It does not happen often that I am able to say that I am right about something and that my husband was wrong. When it does happen, I relish in it. It is those rare moments that make me feel like I may actually be a little bit smart because I know something that Mr. I Know Everything does not know. Mr. I Know Everything was born and raised in the south. He has not been around snow very much and he thinks his driving skills are amazing and when you add the two together, you just know there is going to be a problem.
So, knowing that there was a storm on the way, I tell Mr. I Know Everything that he needs to not go to work today because it is an hour away in this really crappy weather, but he knows everything (remember the name) and says that he is going to go. So I tell him to at least take my car as it has full coverage and will cover everything in the event of an accident. Mr. I Know Everything says no because he wasn’t going to get in an accident. Uh huh. Can you imagine the surprise when the phone rings not long after he heads out to work and he tells me he has been in an accident? Actually, there was no surprise. I knew it would happen because I saw his reckless abandon driving in the snow only 2 days prior. Flying down the freeway doing 75 in a 60 mile an hour zone when they snow was just falling out of the sky. Yeah, I was not a little bit surprised.
I am glad that my husband is okay and that his vehicle is not too badly damaged, but I can’t help feeling that if he had only listened to me, this would not have happened. The accident is not what bugs me, it is the fact that he felt my suggestions were meaningless when it turns out that sometimes, I am not as dumb as people believe. one likes you.