Sunday, May 1, 2011

Excuse me while I lose my mind for a moment.

Really people? I know that I am guilty of it too sometimes, but the whining and the drama that some people go on and on about is enough to make me want to punch them in the face. Face Punch! I am so unbelievably tired of logging on to my Facebook account who are all "boohoo my life is over. I cannot buy the new Iphone 4 because the store is out of stock. What am I going to do??!!?" (insert whatever whinyass bitchy diatribe you would like here) 

What really pisses me off is when the drama queens cry, whine, and complain so you offer some advice and they freak out and get pissed off that you even bothered to respond to them. Then the real kicker for me that makes me want to really cause physical pain is when they complain forever about the same crap, get pissed off when you try to help them, and then they say it was all a big joke. Seriously? Just admit that you were not joking, that you are an attention whore who thrives off of the sympathy of others, and get over your damn self because your life really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things and the sooner you get over yourself, the better of your life will be. 


  1. I suggest you not tell this to patients...just saying.

  2. I am going to use the Bob Newhart approach to therapy with my patients.
    "Stop it!"
