Egg days
This past weekend was Egg Days here in town. I guess Winlock is home to the world’s largest egg and every summer they celebrate the awesomeness of the egg. All I can think when I see it sitting on its stand is what that poor chicken must have felt when she pushed the thing out.
So…there was a carnival set up at the elementary school and yesterday was pay on price bracelet day. We figured it would be best t get each of the kids a bracelet and let them have at it. The boys got to go on the rides for bigger kids and Stitch spent most of her time in the fun house. Although the fun house was pretty much an oxymoron as Stich didn’t seem to have fun in it despite the fact that she went in it at least10 times. Somehow Mack convinced me to take Chunk and Stitch on the Scrambler. I still have no idea how he conned me into that one. A. I hate spinning rides, B. My stomach has no spine so spinning rides always make me sick, and C. The force of the ride messed up my neck all over again.
We let the kids go nuts for about an hour which was more than enough time given that there were only 4 rides, a slide, and a fun house. Nothing to write home about but the kids had a blast and isn’t that really the whole point of a carnival?